The Addiction - Os Viciosos/The Addiction (1995), Abel Ferrara
O Advogado do Diabo/The Devil's Advocate (1997), Taylor Hackford
Alien - O Regresso/Alien Resurrection (1997), Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Amores Perros/Amor Cão (2000), Alejandro González Iñárritu
Os Anjos de Charlie/Charlie's Angels (2000), McG
Año Mariano/Ano Mariano (2000), Fernando Guillén Cuervo e Karra Elejalde
Antz - Formiga Z/Antz (1998), Tim Johnson e Eric Darnell
O Apartamento (1996), vários
Misulgwan-yeob Dongmul-won [Art Museum by the Zoo] (1998), Lee Jeong-hyang
As Asas do Amor/The Wings of the Dove (1997), Iain Softley
Assassino(s)/Assassin(s) (1997), Mathieu Kassovitz
Os Assassinos Substitutos/The Replacement Killers (1998), Antoine Fuqua
Através da Noite/Sweet and Lowdown (1999), Woody Allen
Austin Powers: O Espião Irresistível/Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999), Jay Roach
Avaria no Asfalto/Breakdown (1997), Jonathan Mostow
Babe: Um Porquinho na Cidade/Babe: Pig in the City (1998), George Miller
O Barbeiro/The Man Who Wasn't There (2001), Joel Coen
Barco Fantasma/Ghost Ship (2002), Steve Beck
A Barreira Invisível/The Thin Red Line (1998), Terrence Malick
Batman & Robin (1997), Joel Schumacher
Ye Sau Ying Ging/Beast Cops (1998), Gordon Chan Ka-Seung e Dante Lam Chiu-Yin
Beijos que Matam/Kiss the Girls (1997), Gary Fleder
Bela e Perigosa/Barb Wire (1996), David Hogan
Beleza Americana/American Beauty (1999), Sam Mendes
Bem me Quer... Mal me Quer/A la Folie... Pas du Tout (2002), Laetitia Colombani
Besat [Possessed] (1999), Anders Rønnow-Klarlund
Ying Hung Boon Sik II/A Better Tomorrow II (1987), John Woo
Betty/Nurse Betty (1999), Neil LaBute
Blade (1998), Stephen Norrington
Blade II (2002), Guillermo del Toro
Boa Viagem/Bon Voyage (2003), Jean-Paul Rappeneau
O Bom Rebelde/Good Will Hunting (1997), Gus Van Sant
Bowling for Columbine (2002), Michael Moore
Braindead-Morte Cerebral/Braindead (1992), Peter Jackson
Dip Huet Gaai Tau/Bullet in the Head (1990), John Woo
Baak Faat Moh Nui Juen/The Bride with White Hair (1993), Ronnie Yu Yan-Tai
Brincadeiras Perigosas/Funny Games (1997), Michael Haneke
Buffalo '66 (1997), Vicent Gallo
O Caçador de Sonhos (1997), Nick Willing
Caminho para Perdição/Road to Perdition (2002), Sam Mendes
Caminhos Perigosos/The Gingerbread Man (1998), Robert Altman
Ho Gong Fung Wan/Casino (1998), de Billy Tang Hin-Sing
A Cela/The Cell (2000), Tarsem Singh
Celebridades/Celebrity (1998), Woody Allen
A Cerimónia/La Cérémonie (1996), Claude Chabrol
Channeling Baby (1999), Christine Parker
A Cidade das Crianças Perdidas/La Cité des Enfants Perdus (1995), Jean-Pierre Jeunet e Marc Caro
Cidade de Deus (2002), Fernando Meirelles
Cidade Misteriosa/Dark City (1997), Alex Proyas
Ciro Norte (1998), Erich Breuer
Long Hu Feng Yun/City on Fire (1987), Ringo Lam Ling-Tung
Congo (1995), Frank Marshall
Contacto/Contact (1997), Robert Zemeckis
Os Contos de Canterbury/I Racconti di Canterbury (1971), Pier Paolo Pasolini
Corruptor/The Corruptor (1999), James Foley
O Corvo: A Cidade dos Anjos/The Crow: City of Angels (1996), Tim Pope
Cowboys do Espaço/Space Cowboys (2000), Clint Eastwood
Um Crime Real/True Crime (1999), Clint Eastwood
Os Crimes dos Rios de Púrpura/Les Rivières Poupres (2000), Mathieu Kassovitz
Crying Freeman - O Dragão/Crying Freeman (1995), Christophe Gans
Cube (1997), Vicenzo Natali
Dancer in the Dark (2000), Lars Von Trier
Dead End - Terror sem Fim (2003), Jean-Baptiste Andrea e Fabrice Canepa
O Decameron/Il Decameron (1970), Pier Paolo Pasolini
Demolidor - O Homem sem Medo/Daredevil (2003), Mark Steven Johnson
Demónios - Toda a Verdade/The Irrefutable Truth about Demons (2000) Glenn Standring
Dentro e Fora/In & Out (1997), Frank Oz
Dellamorte Dellamore (1994), Michelle Soavi
De Olhos Bem Fechados/Eyes wide Shut (1999), Stanley Kubrick
O Dia da Independência/Independence Day (1996), Rolland Emmerich
Dak-T'o K [Doctor K/Dr. K, Medical Mystery] (1999), Kwak Kyung-Taek
Doidos por Mary/There's Something About Mary (1998), Bobby e Peter Farrelly
Donnie Darko (2001), Richard Kelly
San Tau Dip Ying/Downtown Torpedoes (1997), Teddy Chan Tak-Sum
Dr. Fígado/Kanzo Sensei (1998), Shohei Imamura
Elizabeth (1998), Shekhar Kapur
O Embate/Knock Off (1998), Tsui Hark
Embriagado de Amor/Punch-Drunk Love (2002), Paul Thomas Anderson
Em Carne Viva/Carne Trémula/En Chair et en Os (1997), Pedro Almodóvar
O Encantador de Cavalos/The Horse Whisperer (1998), Robert Redford
A Enguia/Unagi (1997), Shohei Imamura
O Enigma do Horizonte/Event Horizon (1997), Paul Anderson
Eram Todos Bons Rapazes/Very Bad Things (1998), Peter Berg
Esquece Tudo o que te Disse (2002), António Ferreira
Estrada Perdida/Lost Highway (1996), David Lynch
eXistenZ (1999), David Cronenberg
O Fabuloso Destino de Amélie/Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain/Die Fabelhafte Welt der Amélie (2001), Jean-Pierre Jeunet
As Faces de Harry (1997), Woody Allen
Pairan/Bat-lan/Failan (2001), Song Hae-song
Felizes Juntos/Chunguang Zhaxie/Happy Together (1997), Wong Kar-Wai
A Festa/Festen (1998), Thomas Vinterberg
Ficheiros Secretos/The X-Files (1998), Rob Bowman
Flirt (1995), Hal Hartley
Fogo de Artifício/Hana-Bi (1997), Takeshi Kitano
For Ever Mozart (1996), Jean-Luc Godard
A Formiga Z/Antz (1998), Eric Darnell e Lawrence Guterman
A Fuga das Galinhas/Chicken Run (2000), Peter Lord e Nick Park
O Futuro Radioso/The Sweet Hereafter (1997), Atom Egoyan
Gato Preto, Gato Branco/Chat Noir, Chat Blanc (1998), Emir Kusturica
Ghost World - Mundo Fantasma/Ghost World (2001), Terry Zwigoff
Gostam Todos da Mesma/Rushmore (1998), Wes Anderson
O Grande Lebowski/The Big Lebowski (1997), Joel Coen
Gritos/Scream (1996), Wes Craven
Gritos 2/Scream 2 (1997), Wes Craven
A Guerra das Estrelas Episódio I A Ameaça Fantasma/Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999), George Lucas
Hamlet (1996), Kenneth Branagh
Happiness - Felicidade/Happiness (1998), Todd Solondz
Laat Sau San Taam/Hard-Boiled (1992), John Woo
Heist - O Golpe/Heist (2001), David Mamet
Henry Fool (1997), Hal Hartley
Dung Fong Saam Hap/The Heroic Trio (1993), Johnnie To Kei-Fung
Jung Sum Ying Hung/A Hero Never Dies (1998), Johnnie To Kei-Fung
Hi-Fi (1998), Ivan Cardoso
Homem-Aranha/Spider-Man (2002), Sam Raimi
Homem na Lua/Man on the Moon (1999), Milos Forman
O Homem Transparente/Hollow Man (2000), Paul Verhoeven
Homens de Negro/Men in Black (1997), Barry Sonnenfeld
Hora de Ponta/Rush Hour (1998), Brett Ratner
A Hora Mágica/Twilight (1998), Robert Benton
As Horas/The Hours (2002), Stephen Daldry
A Idade do Gelo/Ice Age, (2002) Chris Wedge
Os Idiotas/Idioterne (1998), Lars Von Trier
Inimigo às Portas/Enemy at the Gates (2000), Jean-Jacques Annaud
Insomnia (2002), Christopher Nolan
Instantes Decisivos/Sliding Doors (1997), Peter Howitt
O Insaciável/Ravenous (1999), Antonia Bird
Intervenção Divina/Yadon Ilaheyya/Intervention Divine/Divine Intervention/Göttlicher Eingriff (2002), Elia Suleiman
Irreversível/Irréversible (2002), Garpard Noé
Irma Vep (1996), Olivier Assayas
The Item (1999), Dan Clark
Jackie Brown (1997), Quentin Tarantino
Jeong [My Heart] (1999), Bae Chang-ho
Jeepers Creepers (2001), Victor Salva
O Jogo/The Game (1997), David Fincher
Jogos de Prazer/Boogie Nights (1997), Paul Thomas Anderson
Gong Dong Gyeong Bi Gu Yeok JSA [Joint Security Area/JSA] (1999), Park Chan-uk
Dip Huet Seung Hung/The Killer (1989), John Woo
Kondom des Grauens/Killer Condom (1996), Martin Walz
L. A. Confidential (1997), Curtis Hanson
Lady of the Lake (1998), Maurice Devereau
As Lágrimas do Tigre Negro/Fa Talai Jone (2000), Wisit Sasanatieng
Ligações Selvagens/Wild Things (1998), John McNaughton
Lilya para Sempre/Lilja 4-ever (2002), Lucas Moodysson
Lolita (1997), Adrian Lyne
O Lado Obscuro da Lei/Night Falls on Manhattan (1997), Sidney Lumet
Os Ladrões/Les Voleurs (1996), André Téchiné
A Lei de Dredd/Judge Dredd (1995), Danny Cannon
A Lenda do Cavaleiro sem Cabeça/Sleepy Hollow (1999), Tim Burton
Am Foh/The Longest Nite (1998), Patrick Yau Tat-Chi
Luna Papa (1999), Bakhtyar Khudojnazarov
Heung Gong Jai Jo/Made in Hong Kong (1997), Fruit Chan Kwoh
La Madre Muerta (1993), Juanma Bajo Ulloa
Magnolia (1999), Paul Thomas Anderson
A Maldição do Escorpião de Jade/The Curse of the Jade Scorpion/Im Bann des Jade Skorpions (2001), Woody Allen
Um Mal Nunca Vem Só/Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998), Guy Ritchie
Manual de Instrucções Para Crimes Banais/C'Est Arrivez Près de Chez Vous, Rémy Belvaux, André Bonzel (1992), Benoît Poelvoorde
Massacre no Texas/The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974), Tobe Hooper
Massacre no Texas 2/The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1986), Tobe Hooper
Matando Zoe/Killing Zoe (1994), Roger Avary
Matrix/The Matrix (1999), Andy e Larry Wachowski
The Matrix Reloaded (2003), Andy e Larry Wachowski
Melhor É Impossível/As Good as it Gets (1997), James L. Brooks
M:I 2/Mission Impossible II, John Woo
As Mil e Uma Noites/Il Fiore delle Mille e Una Notte (1974), Pier Paolo Pasolini
Flugten Fra Jante/Misery Harbour (1999), Nils Gaup
Mistério na Faculdade/The Faculty (1998), Robert Rodriguez
Monstros e Companhia/Monsters, Inc. (2001) Pete Docter
Moulin Rouge (2001), Baz Luhrmann
A Mulher que Viveu Duas Vezes/Vertigo (1958), Alfred Hitchcock
Mulholland Drive/Mulholland Dr. (2001), David Lynch
A Múmia/The Mummy (1999), Stephen Sommers
O Mundo Perdido/The Lost World - Jurassic Park (1997), Steven Spielberg
Os Mutantes (1998), Teresa Villaverde
Nadja (1994), Michael Almereyda
Ninguém Falará de Nós Quando Morrermos/Nadie Hablará de Nosotras Cuando Hayamos Muerto (1995), Agustín Díaz Yanes
Nuvens Passageiras/Kauas Pilvet Karkaavat (1996), Aki Kaurismäki
Leung Goh Ji Nang Woot Yat Goh/The Odd One Dies (1997), Patrick Yau Tat-Chi
Os Olhos da Serpente/Snake Eyes (1998), Brian De Palma
O Oposto de Sexo/The Opposite of Sex (1998), Don Roos
On Edge (1998), Frazer Lee
Os Outros/Los Otros/The Others (2001), Alejandro Amenábar
Ossos (1997), Pedro Costa
A Outra Face/Face/Off (1997), John Woo
O Outro Lado do Sonho/Brazil (1985), Terry Gilliam
Pacha e o Imperador/Emperor's New Groove (2000), Mark Dindall
O Pacto dos Lobos/Le Pactes des Loups (2001), Christophe Gans
Para Além do Horizonte/What Dreams May Come (1998), Vicent Ward
Parabéns (1997), João Pedro Rodrigues
Passion/Passion: The Story of Percy Grainger (1999), Peter Duncan
Pequenos Guerreiros/Small Soldiers (1998), Joe Dante
Perdita Durango (1997), Alex de la Iglesia
Perigo Público/Enemy of the State (1998), Tony Scott
O Plano/A Simple Plan (1998), Sam Raimi
Planeta dos Macacos/Planet of the Apes, (2001), Tim Burton
Plataforma/Zhan Tai/Platform (2000), Jia Zhangke
Poder Absoluto/Absolute Power (1996), Clint Eastwood
Ponette (1996), Jacques Doillon
O Prego (1997), João Maia
Os Predadores de Nova Iorque/Mimic (1997), Guillermo del Toro
Princesa Mononoke/Mononoke Hime, Hayao Miyazaki
O Projecto Blair Witch/The Blair Witch Project (1999) Dan Myrick e Ed Sanchez
O Protegido/Unbreakable (2000), M. Night Shyamalan
Psico/Psycho (1960), Alfred Hitchcock
Quarto Quartos/Four Rooms (1995), Anders, Rockwell, Rodriguez e Tarantino
Uma Questão de Confiança/Trust (1991), Hal Hartley
O Quinto Elemento/The Fifth Element/Le Cinquième Élément (1997), Luc Besson
Raparigas de Sucesso/Career Girls (1996), Mike Leigh
O Rei da Rádio/Private Parts (1997), Betty Thomas
Reino de Fogo/Reign of Fire (2002), Rob Bowman
Relatório Minoritário/Minority Report (2002), Steven Spielberg
O Resgate do Soldado Ryan/Saving Private Ryan (1998), Steven Spielberg
Resident Evil/Resident Evil Genesis (2002), Paul W.S. Anderson
O Rio/Heliu (1997), Tsai Ming-Liang
Rock 'n' Roll Frankenstein (1999), Brian O'Hara
Romance Perigoso/Out of Sight (1998), Steven Soderbergh
Romeu Deve Morrer/Romeo Must Die (2000), Andrzej Bartkowiak
Romeu & Julieta/William Shakespeare's Romeu & Juliet (1996), Baz Luhrmann
Ronin (1988), John Frankenheimer
'R Xmas-Nosso Natal/'R Xmas (2001), Abel Ferrara
S., Guido Henderickx
O Sabor da Cereja/Ta'm e Guilass (1997), Abbas Kiarostami
Sala de Pânico/Panic Room (2002), David Fincher
Salò ou os 120 Dias de Sodoma/Salò o le Centoventi Giornate di Sodoma (1975), Pier Paolo Pasolini
Sangue por Sangue - New Director's Cut/Blood Simple (1983), Joel Coen
Sapatos Pretos (1997), João Canijo
Gau Yat San Diu Hap Lui/Saviour of the Soul (1991), Corey Yuen Kwai e David Lai Dai-Wai
Sei o que Fizeste no Verão Passado/I Know What you Did Last Summer (1997), Jim Gillespie
O Senhor dos Anéis: As Duas Torres/Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002), Peter Jackson
O Senhor dos Desejos/Wishmaster (1997), Robert Kurtzman
Sentiste a Minha Falta?/The Blackout (1997), Abel Ferrara
O Sexto Sentido/The Sixth Sense (1999), M. Night Shyamalan
Shaft (2000), John Singleton
Shanghai Noon (2000), Tom Dey
Shiri/Swiri (1997), Kang Je-kyu
Siam Sunset (1999), John Polson
Soldados do Universo/Starship Troopers (1997), Paul Verhoeven
Sling Blade - O Arremesso/Sling Blade (1995), Billy Bob Thornton
Snatch - Porcos e Diamantes/Snatch (2000), Guy Ritchie
South Park: O Filme/South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999), Trey Parker
Speed 2: Perigo a Bordo/Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997), Jan De Bont
Spider (2002), David Cronenberg
State and Main (2000), David Mamet
Fung Wan Hung Ba Tin Ha/The Stormriders (1998), Andrew Lau Wai-Keung
Storytelling - Conta-me Histórias/Storytelling (2001), Todd Solondz
Um Susto de Filme/Scary Movie (2000), Keenen Ivory Wayans
Siu Ngo Gong Woo Ji Dung Fong Bat Baai/Swordsman II (1992), Ching Siu-Tung
Tabu/Gohatto (1999), Nagisa Oshima
Teen Monster/Big Monster on Campus (1998), Mitch Marcus
Tempestade/The Perfect Storm (2000), Wolfgang Petersen
Os Tenenbaums/The Royal Tenenbaums (2001), Wes Anderson
O Tigre e o Dragão/Wo Hu Zang Long/Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000), Ang Lee
Titan - Depois da Destruição da Terra/Titan A.E. (2000), Don Bluth e Gary Goldman
Titanic (1997), James Cameron
Toda a Gente Diz Que Te Amo/Everyone Says I Love You (1996), Woody Allen
Tornado/Twister (1996), Jan De Bont
Toy Story 2: Em Busca de Woody/Toy Story 2 (1999), John Lasseter
Tradição é Tradição/East Is East (1999), Damien O'Donnell
Tráfico (1998), João Botelho
Três Reis/Three Kings (1999), David O. Russell
The Truman Show-A Vida em Directo/The Truman Show (1997), Peter Weir
Tudo Sobre a Minha Mãe/Todo sobre Mi Madre/Tout sur Ma Mère (1999), Pedro Almodóvar
Yat Goh Ji Tau Dik Daan Sang/Too Many Ways To Be No. 1 (1997), Wai Ka-fai
Tuvalu (1999), Veit Helmer
24 Hour Party People (2001), Michael Winterbottom
A Última Hora/25th Hour (2002), Spike Lee
O Último Contrato/Grosse Pointe Blank (1997), George Armitage
O Último Viking/the 13th Warrior (1999), John McTiernan
Vampiros/Vampires (1998), John Carpenter
Veludo Azul/Blue Velvet (1986), David Lynch
Velvet Goldmine (1998), Todd Haynes
O Verão de Kikujiro/Kikujiro No Natsu (1999), Takeshi Kitano
Uma Vida de Insecto/A Bugs Life (1998), John Lasseter e Andrew Stanton
A Vida É Bela/La Vita È Bella (1997), Roberto Benigni
Vidas Privadas/In the Bedroom (2001),Todd Field
Vigaristas de Bairro/Small Time Crooks (2000), Woody Allen
Virgens de Sangue/Cherry Falls (1999), Geoffrey Wright
Os Visitantes da Idade Média/Les Couloirs du Temps: Les Visiteurs 2 (1998), Jean-Marie Poiré
The Wager (1998), Aaron Woodley
Zoi Gin Aa Long/Where a Good Man Goes (1999), Johnnie To Kei-Fung
X-Men (2000), Bryan Singer
X-Men 2/X2 (2003), Bryan Singer
A Zona de Guerra/The War Zone (1998), Tim Roth